Case Study

Pakistan’s largest and most profitable bank, HBL serving 27 million customers worldwide, faces challenges in its security system and uses PSS to make its system more reliable.


With over 1650+ branches, HBL faced significant issues with their conventional security alarm system. Every time the alarm went off, the staff would have to visit the branch to investigate the cause. This way it was both costly and time-consuming. Premier Security Services offered a solution. With their latest IP-based technology, HBL had a much more reliable security system with fewer false alarms and a much quicker response time. This investment in a modern security system not only improved security but also resulted in cost and time savings.

Services provided

State of the art equipment

Latest IP-based technology

Improved security alarm system


  1. False alarm
  2. Frequent visits to branch
  3. Manually alarm control


  1. Provide with latest IP-based technology
  2. Automatic alarm system


Premier Security System has been a game-changer for us. Before, we were constantly sending our branch manager and staff to investigate false alarms, wasting precious time and resources. But now, with the services of Premier Security, we can rest easy knowing that our alarm system is reliable and our issues can be resolved with the click of a button. Their control room addresses and solves alarm issues automatically, giving us newfound peace of mind. We are incredibly grateful for the difference Premier Security has made in our business.


Fewer false alarms

Cost and time savings

Quicker response rate


More reliable

Less time and resources consuming

Peace of mind